Our project

“Empowering youth for facilitating ecological transition”

Capacity Building for Youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia

In a global context where ecological transition is becoming an urgency, it is of utmost importance to develop new initiatives in order to contribute to change the patterns in our environmental impact. In addition, to measures implemented at policy level, individuals have a key role to reverse the increasing emissions and general pollution that are conveying into a situation of climate emergency, as the EU has recently declared.

Within this context stated above, the aim of our project is to analyse at community and individual level our own hot spots, and through environmental education, try to raise awareness and implement coordinated actions that would facilitate the ecological transition. Thus, while drafting the project proposal, together with our partners we had identified the following needs/problems:




There is a lack of scientific environmental education, which enables the assumption of ecological myths that are taken as truth, implying taking uninformed decisions at individual level.


Young people are the most concerned generation when it comes to global warming and environmental friendly practices. It is for this that youngsters are key to lead the ecological transition, acting as social agents and engaging the whole community into this change.


Within a global economy, and an increasingly connected world, the actions and its consequences are globally connected. North and South countries must convey into a joint strategy in order to promote development while being environmentally friendly. It is so, that cooperation between countries is essential to have a meaningful impact, promoting the transfer of knowledge and advocating for common sustainable practices and standards.

Specific objectives


Implement a methodology to analyse the environmental state-of-art at regional level and develop a meaningful mapping.


Create a good practices manual for individuals, public institutions and private industries and companies.


Elaborate a comparative analysis amongst the participating regions in order to identify good practices and implement a transfer of knowledge in those areas of expertise amongst the partners.


Raise awareness on different sectors of society about environmental challenges and engage the whole community into green steps to mitigate climate change.


Empower local institutions and NGO’s to find opportunities to develop green projects and policies through European, national and international funding, enhancing cooperation.

Target group

In relation to the target groups identified, we have chosen the following, with the described expected impact:


Environmental education beyond fake news and myths. Empowerment to make conscious choices. Foster youngsters as change agents (programme “Green mentors” and awareness campaigns design).

Youth Workers

Updated environmental education methods. Transfer of knowledge. Training in analysis and mapping techniques. Identification and dissemination of good practices

Local stakeholders

Identified 4 sectors (institutions, local businesses, industry and community). Environmental education applied to specific needs and profiles. Awareness about good practices and environmental impact. Training and facilitation for applying new methods. International cooperation.

Project partners

Concello de O Porriño

Concello de O Porriño

Project promoter

Dirección General de Educación, FP e Innovación Educativa - IES Ribeira do Louro

Dirección General de Educación, FP e Innovación Educativa - IES Ribeira do Louro

Project partner

ASPEA (Associação Portuguesa de Educação Ambiental) – Aveiro (PT)

ASPEA (Associação Portuguesa de Educação Ambiental) – Aveiro (PT)

Project partner

Universidade de Cabo Verde – Praia (Cabo Verde)

Universidade de Cabo Verde – Praia (Cabo Verde)

Project partner

Associação de Educação de Jovens e Adultos de Nampula – Mampula (Moçambique)

Associação de Educação de Jovens e Adultos de Nampula – Mampula (Moçambique)

Project partner